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Talk Show

Talk Show

June 24, 2024 | BPS Activities

Friday, June 21 2024, Head of BPS Sleman Regency Rintang Awan Eltribakti Umbas S.Si, M.Si was one of the speakers for a live talk show on Jogja TV together with the Head of Paniradya Pati Kaistimewaan DIY Aris Eko Nugroho S.P, M.Si and Panewu Anom Kapanewon Tempel Dyah Purwanti S. Sos, MIP.

Talk about Special Support for DIY Socio-Economic Data Collection through the SINTAGADIS TEMPEL digital application.

The discussion was warm and full of benefits in line with shared enthusiasm in efforts to provide socio-economic data that is reliable, up to date and relevant to current conditions in DIY, as an effort by the regional government to take appropriate policies to improve the welfare of the people of DIY.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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