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Pemaparan Website ADMINSITE Dokumentasi Kegiatan
August 2, 2024 | Other Activities
Thursday (1/8), Politeknis Statistik STIS students class 63, Anang Kurnia Hidayat and Yulius Restu Krisna Adi, explained the results of the development of the "Activity Documentation Adminsite Website". This activity took place in the Sleman Regency BPS Meeting Room and was attended by the Head of Sleman Regency BPS, Rintang Awan Eltribakti Umbas and all team leaders.
This website is here to facilitate documentation of various BPS activities, ranging from meetings, official trips, field activities, to other activities. Equipped with features such as document uploads, activity filters, editing history, and many more, this website is expected to make it easier to search and manage activity documentation for both Sleman Regency BPS employees and partners.